Strive For Power (Town Digest Page) 3186


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June 3, 2004   

Town Digest Page


Here's the town digest, you will find all the info you need for every town (entered present date which means that other areas will be added every time I can).

To do this, I'm counting on all of you to give me more info and more precise info.  See the links at the bottom of the page to provide this page the evolution it needs!

Please, keep in mind that this Town Digest is meant to be informative.  Certain info may appear static, like town quest but may actually be more fluid as one person may turn in a quest, the quest in question may change.

Town Digest :

City: Wild Waters

Coordinates: 24,4 (left-right, up-down)

Travel / Enter

Description Destination AP Cost Gold Cost Travel / Enter
Boat The Old World - City: Fishermens Friendship 10 10 Travel / Enter
Boat The Old World - City: Wild Shark 10 10 Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Forest Entrance 15 15 Travel / Enter

Buy stuff

Item Name Price
Sling 4
Leather Vest 110
Chain Mail 150
Half Plate 226
Buckler 30

Quests / Rewards

Quest Item Min items Reward items Reward Gold
Crocodile Tooth(208) 1 - 10

Various jobs

Quest ID 10091
542 gold
Number Item
2 Roc Claw
9 Giant Tooth
8 Troll Tooth
5 Goblin Ears
9 Mystic Mushroom
2 Bluetooth Stilk
8 Mountain Grass
Quest ID 10092
1097 gold
Number Item
8 Pixie Wing
9 Troll Tooth
9 Lizard Claw
2 Kobold Ears
2 Mystic Mushroom
7 Wizart Fungus
6 Demunga Flower
Quest ID 10093
997 gold
Number Item
3 Sprite Wing
6 Snake Scale
9 Giant Tooth
3 Kobold Ears
8 Sunshine Flower
9 Moonlight Moss
6 Hermic Root


City: Fishermen's Friendship

Coordinates: 30,2 (left-right, up-down)

Travel / Enter

Description Destination AP Cost Gold Cost Travel / Enter
Boat The Old World - City: Travels 10 10 Travel / Enter
Boat The Old World - City: Wild Waters 10 10 Travel / Enter

Buy stuff

Item Name Price
Hand Axe 16
Mace 20
Short Staff 10
Light X-Bow 100
Leather Vest 110
Chain Suit 400

Quests / Rewards

Quest Item Min items Reward items Reward Gold
Basilisk Scale(210) 1 - 10

Various jobs

Quest ID 10111
424 gold
Number Item
9 Pixie Wing
7 Snake Scale
5 Crocodile Tooth
6 Mystic Mushroom
2 Moonlight Moss
9 Hermic Root
Quest ID 10112
785 gold
Number Item
2 Sprite Wing
7 Pixie Wing
6 Crocodile Tooth
2 Roc Claw
9 Giant Tooth
5 Mystic Mushroom
9 Bluetooth Stilk
4 Hermic Root
Quest ID 10113
588 gold
Number Item
9 Roc Claw
3 Crocodile Tooth
3 Pixie Wing
3 Goblin Ears
2 Mountain Grass
5 Sunshine Flower
6 Moonlight Moss
2 Hermic Root


City: Travels

Coordinates: 24,4 (left-right, up-down)

Travel / Enter

Description Destination AP Cost Gold Cost Travel / Enter
Boat The Old World - City: Middle Point 10 10 Travel / Enter
Boat The Old World - City: Fishermens Friendship 10 10 Travel / Enter

Buy stuff

Item Name Price
2-H Sword 150
Sling 4
Leather Vest 110
Chain Mail 150
Half Plate 226
Buckler 30
Mountain Grass 2

Quests / Rewards

Quest Item Min items Reward items Reward Gold
Pixie Wing(211) 1 - 10

Various jobs

Quest ID 10121
1005 gold
Number Item
5 Sprite Wing
5 Snake Scale
5 Giant Tooth
7 Goblin Ears
3 Bluetooth Stilk
5 Sunshine Flower
2 Moonlight Moss
3 Demunga Flower
5 Hermic Root
Quest ID 10122
619 gold
Number Item
3 Crocodile Tooth
9 Sprite Wing
5 Lizard Claw
8 Kobold Ears
4 Bluetooth Stilk
2 Moonlight Moss
6 Wizart Fungus
9 Hermic Root
Quest ID 10123
607 gold
Number Item
4 Pixie Wing
2 Crocodile Tooth
6 Roc Claw
6 Troll Tooth
4 Kobold Ears
4 Mountain Grass
8 Sunshine Flower
7 Wizart Fungus


City: Middle Point

Coordinates: 37,18 (left-right, up-down)

Travel / Enter

Description Destination AP Cost Gold Cost Travel / Enter
Boat The Old World - City: Bayside 10 10 Travel / Enter
Boat The Old World - City: Travels 10 10 Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Farmers Delight 10 10 Travel / Enter

Buy stuff

Item Name Price
Short Sword 30
Mace 20
Short Staff 10
Light X-Bow 100
Leather Vest 110

Quests / Rewards

Quest Item Min items Reward items Reward Gold
Sprite Wing(212) 1 - 10

Various jobs

Quest ID 10131
1097 gold
Number Item
8 Pixie Wing
6 Troll Tooth
9 Kobold Ears
2 Mystic Mushroom
5 Bluetooth Stilk
9 Moonlight Moss
3 Demunga Flower
Quest ID 10132
825 gold
Number Item
4 Roc Claw
8 Giant Tooth
2 Lizard Claw
7 Mystic Mushroom
4 Moonlight Moss
5 Wizart Fungus
7 Demunga Flower
6 Crocodile Tooth
9 Sprite Wing
Quest ID 10133
750 gold
Number Item
9 Pixie Wing
5 Basilisk Scale
5 Crocodile Tooth
7 Giant Tooth
9 Kobold Ears
2 Mystic Mushroom
8 Bluetooth Stilk
9 Wizart Fungus
5 Demunga Flower
3 Hermic Root


City: Bayside

Coordinates: 37,23 (left-right, up-down)

Travel / Enter

Description Destination AP Cost Gold Cost Travel / Enter
Boat The Old World - City: Farmers Delight 10 10 Travel / Enter
Boat The Old World - City: North Point 20 20 Travel / Enter
Boat The Old World - City: Middle Point 10 10 Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Desert Edge 10 10 Travel / Enter

Buy stuff

Item Name Price
Dagger 10
War Maul 108
Short Staff 10
Short Bow 70
Chain Mail 150
Half Plate 226

Quests / Rewards

Quest Item Min items Reward items Reward Gold
Sprite Wing(212) 1 - 10

Various jobs

Quest ID 10261
448 gold
Number Item
8 Hermic Root
6 Moonlight Moss
9 Bluetooth Stilk
8 Giant Tooth
6 Roc Claw
3 Snake Scale
Quest ID 10262
440 gold
Number Item
2 Pixie Wing
7 Snake Scale
2 Roc Claw
3 Troll Tooth
7 Orc Ears
4 Mountain Grass
8 Sunshine Flower
3 Moonlight Moss
7 Wizart Fungus
7 Hermic Root
Quest ID 10263
943 gold
Number Item
3 Snake Scale
2 Crocodile Tooth
6 Giant Tooth
5 Ogre Tooth
2 Goblin Ears
6 Sunshine Flower
5 Demunga Flower
2 Hermic Root


City: Farmer's Delight

Coordinates: 30,18 (left-right, up-down)

Travel / Enter

Description Destination AP Cost Gold Cost Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Bayside 10 10 Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Middle Point 10 10 Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Forest Entrance 10 10 Travel / Enter

Buy stuff

Item Name Price
Dagger 10
War Hammer 26
Short Bow 70
Half Plate 226
Buckler 30

Quests / Rewards

Quest Item Min items Reward items Reward Gold
Orc Ears(200) 1 - 5

Various jobs

Quest ID 10141
446 gold
Number Item
7 Pixie Wing
9 Troll Tooth
5 Lizard Claw
6 Sunshine Flower
4 Demunga Flower
4 Hermic Root
Quest ID 10142
619 gold
Number Item
6 Ogre Tooth
8 Lizard Claw
6 Goblin Ears
3 Troll Tooth
8 Kobold Ears
9 Mystic Mushroom
2 Bluetooth Stilk
2 Mountain Grass
8 Wizart Fungus
Quest ID 10143
891 gold
Number Item
4 Crocodile Tooth
5 Orc Ears
5 Bluetooth Stilk
3 Mountain Grass
7 Sunshine Flower
6 Demunga Flower
4 Hermic Root
4 Sprite Wing


City: Desert Edge

Coordinates: 31,27 (left-right, up-down)

Travel / Enter

Description Destination AP Cost Gold Cost Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Bayside 10 10 Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Elven Nation 10 10 Travel / Enter

Buy stuff

Item Name Price
Short Sword 30
War Hammer 26
Sling 4
Leather Vest 110
Chain Mail 150
Tower Shield 130

Quests / Rewards

Quest Item Min items Reward items Reward Gold
Pixie Wing(211) 1 - 10

Various jobs

Quest ID 10251
579 gold
Number Item
6 Troll Tooth
7 Pixie Wing
2 Lizard Claw
9 Goblin Ears
5 Mountain Grass
9 Moonlight Moss
5 Wizart Fungus
3 Demunga Flower
4 Ogre Tooth
2 Hermic Root
Quest ID 10252
843 gold
Number Item
3 Crocodile Tooth
9 Ogre Tooth
8 Lizard Claw
6 Goblin Ears
6 Mystic Mushroom
4 Bluetooth Stilk
3 Wizart Fungus
Quest ID 10253
864 gold
Number Item
2 Pixie Wing
7 Basilisk Scale
8 Snake Scale
4 Ogre Tooth
8 Mystic Mushroom
6 Bluetooth Stilk
8 Demunga Flower


City: Elven Nation

Coordinates: 26,26 (left-right, up-down)

Travel / Enter

Description Destination AP Cost Gold Cost Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Desert Edge 10 10 Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Calm Waters 15 15 Travel / Enter
Catacombs Catacombs - Hallway 10 0 Travel / Enter

Buy stuff

Item Name Price
Dagger 10
Mace 20
War Hammer 26
Quarter Staff 150
Light X-Bow 100
Sling 4
Bluetooth Stilk 2
Mystic Mushroom 2

Quests / Rewards

Quest Item Min items Reward items Reward Gold
Crocodile Tooth(208) 1 - 10

Various jobs

Quest ID 10221
937 gold
Number Item
3 Giant Tooth
9 Troll Tooth
3 Goblin Ears
6 Bluetooth Stilk
6 Mountain Grass
5 Sunshine Flower
6 Demunga Flower
4 Hermic Root
Quest ID 10222
850 gold
Number Item
7 Basilisk Scale
9 Troll Tooth
4 Lizard Claw
8 Bluetooth Stilk
2 Mountain Grass
9 Sunshine Flower
8 Moonlight Moss
6 Demunga Flower
Quest ID 10223
611 gold
Number Item
3 Snake Scale
4 Roc Claw
7 Orc Ears
8 Mystic Mushroom
7 Bluetooth Stilk
2 Moonlight Moss


City: Lone Hill

Coordinates: 18,30 (left-right, up-down)

Travel / Enter

Description Destination AP Cost Gold Cost Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Clean Waters 10 10 Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Forest Lake 10 10 Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Lone Farmer 10 10 Travel / Enter

Buy stuff

Item Name Price
Short Sword 30
Hand Axe 16
Chain Mail 150
Half Plate 226
Full Plate 1000
Buckler 30

Quests / Rewards

Quest Item Min items Reward items Reward Gold
Roc Claw(207) 1 - 10

Various jobs

Quest ID 10211
901 gold
Number Item
5 Giant Tooth
3 Goblin Ears
8 Orc Ears
7 Moonlight Moss
7 Demunga Flower
5 Hermic Root
Quest ID 10212
598 gold
Number Item
9 Sprite Wing
7 Pixie Wing
6 Lizard Claw
2 Mystic Mushroom
8 Mountain Grass
8 Wizart Fungus
6 Hermic Root
Quest ID 10213
857 gold
Number Item
2 Basilisk Scale
4 Snake Scale
4 Ogre Tooth
2 Kobold Ears
6 Mystic Mushroom
3 Bluetooth Stilk
3 Mountain Grass
6 Wizart Fungus
7 Hermic Root
2 Pixie Wing


City: Forest Lake

Coordinates: 15,23 (left-right, up-down)

Travel / Enter

Description Destination AP Cost Gold Cost Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Lone Hill 10 10 Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: North Mountain 10 10 Travel / Enter

Buy stuff

Item Name Price
Short Sword 30
Hand Axe 16
Mace 20
War Hammer 26
Composite Bow 300
Half Plate 226
Sunshine Flower 2
Mountain Grass 2

Quests / Rewards

Quest Item Min items Reward items Reward Gold
Troll Tooth(205) 1 - 10

Various jobs

Quest ID 10191
796 gold
Number Item
3 Snake Scale
3 Ogre Tooth
6 Kobold Ears
2 Bluetooth Stilk
3 Wizart Fungus
6 Hermic Root
Quest ID 10192
856 gold
Number Item
8 Roc Claw
2 Snake Scale
2 Crocodile Tooth
3 Troll Tooth
3 Ogre Tooth
5 Mystic Mushroom
4 Bluetooth Stilk
6 Sunshine Flower
7 Moonlight Moss
2 Demunga Flower
Quest ID 10193
430 gold
Number Item
6 Roc Claw
6 Giant Tooth
6 Troll Tooth
2 Mystic Mushroom
4 Bluetooth Stilk
5 Wizart Fungus


City: Forest Entrance

Coordinates: 25,16 (left-right, up-down)

Travel / Enter

Description Destination AP Cost Gold Cost Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Farmers Delight 10 10 Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Wild Waters 15 15 Travel / Enter

Buy stuff

Item Name Price
Dagger 10
Short Sword 30
War Hammer 26
Long Bow 150
Chain Mail 150
Half Plate 226
Wizart Fungus 2
Moonlight Moss 2

Quests / Rewards

Quest Item Min items Reward items Reward Gold
Snake Scale(209) 1 - 10

Various jobs

Quest ID 10101
699 gold
Number Item
8 Pixie Wing
5 Ogre Tooth
3 Lizard Claw
7 Orc Ears
4 Mystic Mushroom
6 Moonlight Moss
3 Hermic Root
Quest ID 10102
414 gold
Number Item
5 Crocodile Tooth
8 Lizard Claw
4 Goblin Ears
2 Kobold Ears
4 Mountain Grass
4 Moonlight Moss
4 Wizart Fungus
6 Hermic Root
Quest ID 10103
559 gold
Number Item
4 Pixie Wing
8 Crocodile Tooth
5 Giant Tooth
4 Lizard Claw
8 Goblin Ears
2 Mystic Mushroom
8 Mountain Grass
2 Moonlight Moss
3 Wizart Fungus
2 Hermic Root


City: Forest Of Light

Coordinates: 18,15 (left-right, up-down)

Travel / Enter

Description Destination AP Cost Gold Cost Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Dangerous Hills 20 20 Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Wide Plains 10 10 Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: South Mountain 10 10 Travel / Enter

Buy stuff

Item Name Price
Short Sword 30
Hand Axe 16
Mace 20
War Hammer 26
Long Staff 30
Short Bow 70
Hermic Root 2
Demunga Flower 2

Quests / Rewards

Quest Item Min items Reward items Reward Gold
Ogre Tooth(204) 1 - 10

Various jobs

Quest ID 10051
771 gold
Number Item
6 Sprite Wing
7 Pixie Wing
4 Basilisk Scale
8 Ogre Tooth
2 Orc Ears
5 Mystic Mushroom
5 Demunga Flower
7 Hermic Root
Quest ID 10052
795 gold
Number Item
9 Roc Claw
8 Goblin Ears
9 Kobold Ears
4 Mystic Mushroom
3 Bluetooth Stilk
9 Mountain Grass
5 Moonlight Moss
2 Hermic Root
Quest ID 10053
643 gold
Number Item
6 Basilisk Scale
7 Giant Tooth
5 Orc Ears
6 Bluetooth Stilk
8 Sunshine Flower
9 Demunga Flower


City: South Mountain

Coordinates: 13,6 (left-right, up-down)

Travel / Enter

Description Destination AP Cost Gold Cost Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Forest of Light 10 10 Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: South Point 10 10 Travel / Enter

Buy stuff

Item Name Price
Dagger 10
War Hammer 26
Short Staff 10
Short Bow 70
Light X-Bow 100
Shield 70

Quests / Rewards

Quest Item Min items Reward items Reward Gold
Goblin Ears(202) 1 - 5

Various jobs

Quest ID 10031
971 gold
Number Item
8 Giant Tooth
9 Lizard Claw
5 Kobold Ears
8 Sprite Wing
3 Pixie Wing
3 Mystic Mushroom
2 Mountain Grass
6 Sunshine Flower
7 Moonlight Moss
8 Hermic Root
Quest ID 10032
731 gold
Number Item
9 Roc Claw
4 Giant Tooth
2 Troll Tooth
3 Bluetooth Stilk
9 Moonlight Moss
8 Wizart Fungus
4 Demunga Flower
8 Hermic Root
8 Pixie Wing
Quest ID 10033
772 gold
Number Item
9 Pixie Wing
4 Basilisk Scale
5 Troll Tooth
6 Goblin Ears
7 Mystic Mushroom
7 Sunshine Flower
8 Hermic Root


City: Twin Lakes

Coordinates: 32,11 (left-right, up-down)

Travel / Enter

Description Destination AP Cost Gold Cost Travel / Enter

Buy stuff

Item Name Price
Dagger 10
Short Sword 30
Hand Axe 16
Mace 20
War Hammer 26
Short Staff 10
Short Bow 70
Light X-Bow 100
Sling 4
Warriors Sling 40
Leather Vest 110
Chain Mail 150
Half Plate 226
Buckler 30

Quests / Rewards

Quest Item Min items Reward items Reward Gold
Roc Claw(207) 1 - 10

Various jobs

Quest ID 10081
493 gold
Number Item
3 Troll Tooth
9 Ogre Tooth
6 Lizard Claw
7 Bluetooth Stilk
8 Sunshine Flower
8 Moonlight Moss
2 Pixie Wing
Quest ID 10082
685 gold
Number Item
4 Giant Tooth
2 Troll Tooth
2 Lizard Claw
9 Mountain Grass
6 Sunshine Flower
8 Moonlight Moss
2 Demunga Flower
8 Basilisk Scale
Quest ID 10083
621 gold
Number Item
3 Giant Tooth
2 Orc Ears
8 Mystic Mushroom
6 Bluetooth Stilk
6 Moonlight Moss
4 Demunga Flower
6 Hermic Root
9 Basilisk Scale


City: Wide Plains

Coordinates: 19,9 (left-right, up-down)

Travel / Enter

Description Destination AP Cost Gold Cost Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Forest of Light 10 10 Travel / Enter
Coach The Old World - City: Wild Shark 10 10 Travel / Enter

Buy stuff

Item Name Price
Sling 4
Leather Vest 110
Chain Mail 150
Half Plate 226
Field Plate 600
Buckler 30

Quests / Rewards

Quest Item Min items Reward items Reward Gold
Lizard Claw(203) 1 - 5

Various jobs

Quest ID 10041
877 gold
Number Item
4 Giant Tooth
8 Lizard Claw
2 Pixie Wing
8 Goblin Ears
4 Mountain Grass
7 Sunshine Flower
4 Wizart Fungus
4 Demunga Flower
Quest ID 10042
950 gold
Number Item
5 Snake Scale
8 Troll Tooth
2 Lizard Claw
2 Goblin Ears
8 Kobold Ears
4 Moonlight Moss
7 Wizart Fungus
5 Hermic Root
Quest ID 10043
836 gold
Number Item
6 Basilisk Scale
7 Crocodile Tooth
9 Giant Tooth
9 Kobold Ears
2 Mystic Mushroom
2 Bluetooth Stilk
9 Mountain Grass
3 Sunshine Flower





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